Gwynfa Pixels Result

Saturday 2nd November was the 2013 Gwynfa Pixels competition held by Gwynfa CC at Talbot Green. there were a total of 36 clubs entered, just one short of the record. So we were in good company, with clubs from all over the WPF Federation area as well as clubs from North Wales. The judges were Gwen and Phil Charnock from ex Wigan Ten fame (twice World dpi Champions)

Our entry consisted of 4 images as mentioned in the previous blog, one by Joyce, one by Steve, one by Jennifer and one by David Rees. They scored 16pts, 15pts, 20pts and 15pts respectively. Jennifers image ‘Ashes to Ashes’ then went through to be judged against another 5/20pts scores for best Colour Image (3 of which were from Inn Focus) and WON. The photo below was taken of myself receiving the trophy on behalf of Jennifer by the two judges.

Our eventual position was =6th, which is our best score in the last 5 years of the event and confirms our standing as one of the top 5 clubs in the WPF. This is a position we have maintained over that period even though major competition has come from new emerging clubs such as Inn Focus etc

Well done to all that were chosen and a special thanks to those members who joined me on the day, special congratulations to Jennifer.

Arthur receiving Trophy for best Colour Image at Gwynfa Pixels 2013
Arthur receiving Trophy for best Colour Image at Gwynfa Pixels 2013

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